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Thursday 26 January 2012

4 to 8 Business Days

This is Friday the 6th. Most importantly is it day business day 8 for new PC order. NCIx has been very good to do business with but if I end waiting for another three days, I will be canceling my order.

When my monitor was ordered there was a 2-4 business day wait on it. A week later there is a 4-8 business wait on it. Then on Tuesday, three days ago, they updated it to 1-2 business days. So, I am a little confused about their stock updates in real time.

Anyway, I'm not an impatient man and do I understand boxing day sales. But business day 8 is here. Its getting to be a bit much for a pick-up order. If I don't hear from them by four o'clock today, I am going to have to cancel my entire order and just buy locally.

In the end, product is product. I just prefer to do business with people I know will deliver.

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